Aged Tie Guan Yin

2007 Aged Tieguanyin from Xiping Village, Anxi, Fujian, China
2007 Aged Tieguanyin from Xiping Village, Anxi, Fujian, China

Aged Tie Guan Yin


This Tie Guan Yin from Anxi County was aged for over fifteen years before we imported it. Its taste is rich, sweet, and mellow, with antique wood and musty earth notes. It was re-roasted several times throughout the course of its aging in order to reduce its moisture content. This is a very high quality, well stored aged oolong which really showcases the kinds of flavors aged teas are so sought after for.

The name Tie Guanyin translates exactly to “Iron Avalokitesvara” who is the Bodhisattva of compassion in Buddhism, and refers to the varietal the tea is made from. Tie Guanyin is almost always tightly rolled, and can have a varied level of oxidation or roast. It is grown mainly in Anxi County, in Northern Fujian Provence.

Origin - Fujian, China

Location - Xiping (西坪), Anxi

Farmer -  Zhou Chunfu (周春福)

Harvest - Spring 2007

Tastes Like - Forest Floor, Old Books, Dried Peach

Sold in on ounce increments

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