The Green and the Gold by Bart Schaneman


The Green and the Gold by Bart Schaneman


"The Green and the Gold is the story of a young man trying his damnedest to deal with the changing terrain of life. It's about the small town he grew up in, and the larger one he went off to for college. It is a very Midwestern book and because of that it is the most American kind of book. The Green and the Gold is a story of quiet winter days, frozen interstates, troubled love, work, fevers, sex, basement parties, horses, cattle, corn fields and soy fields, cowboys, college kids, and farm families." - From the foreword by Adam Gnade, author of Float Me Away, Floodwaters

“Part psychological thriller, like Elena Ferrante’s Days of Abandonment, this novel explores the innerworkings of a man who breaks free of his upbringing only to lose all sense of reality once it’s gone.” - Shy Watson, author of Horror Vacui.

“A remarkably honest novel, beautifully crafted.” - Nathaniel Kennon Perkins, author of Wallop.

“Schaneman writes with the clarity of a dew reflecting off a blade of grass in a field at dawn. The Green and the Gold is a moving book, one as rooted in place as it is searching for it.” - Bram Riddlebarger, author of Western Erotica Ho.

Bart Schaneman lives in Denver, Colorado with his wife Nammin. He works as a business reporter covering the cannabis industry. He was raised on a farm in western Nebraska. He is also the author of the travelogue Trans-Siberian, the collection of essays and poetry Someplace Else: On Wanderlust, Expatriate Life, and the Call of the Wild, and the novella The Silence is the Noise.

ISBN: 978-1-951226-09-1

Pages: 172

Publication: 2021

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