About Small Wonder:
Small Wonder is an unconventional thriller set in the preschools and the playgrounds of Brooklyn, New York. The portrait of a woman trying to find joy and connection in an age of anxiety, Small Wonder asks: how do you raise a child as a single mother and keep a roof over your heads when time is passing so quickly and the future seems to hold only danger?
Madison Smartt Bell, author of All Souls’ Rising, finalist for the National Book Award, calls Small Wonder “pitch perfect.” “A realistic capture of urban domestic life in our time,” he writes, “ it adds a dose of gaslighting drama that would put Les Diaboliques to shame.”
Writing in the Wall Street Journal, author Clifford Thompson (What It Is: Race, Family, and One Thinking Black Man’s Blues), calls Small Wonder “a funny, frightening look at grown-up confusion and the horror of childhood.”
About Eileen Kelly:
Eileen Kelly lives in Brooklyn, New York, where she writes development documents for criminal justice nonprofits and fiction for children and adults. Her stories have appeared in the Tupelo Quarterly and Wrongdoing Magazine. A very long time ago, she won the Hopwood Award in the Novel from the University of Michigan’s MFA program. Small Wonder is her first published novel.