Organic Gyokuro 玉露 Mizuumi
Organic Gyokuro 玉露 Mizuumi
This Spring Harvest Gyokuro 玉露 was shaded for 21 days in order to up the chlorophyll content in the tea leaves. It brews a rich, viscous cup of bright green tea soup. Its taste suggests sea vegetables, sprouted greens, and warm bread. It is advisable to steep Japanese green teas such as this at a lower temperature, between 165-175 in order to preserve their delicacy and balance.
Gyokuro is made by casting a net (kabuse) over tea bushes as they grow. The net restricts the amount of sunlight allowed to the bushes and forces them to produce much more chlorophyll than they otherwise would. This results in a deeper, greener color than sencha, as well as a richer and more umami-forward flavor.
Origin - Makizono, Kagoshima, Japan
Harvest - Spring ‘24
Cultivar - Saemidori
Tea Maker - Mr. Nishi
Tastes Like - Kombu, Fresh Biscuits, Alfalfa
Sold in one ounce increments